We Make Wood That Inhibits Fire
Common Sense Fire Defense
Fire-retardant treating that protects wood
with code recognized, proven performance
Helpful resources

Fire Retardant Tech Library
Explore the best online resource for Western fire-retardant-treated wood with an exclusive library of publications, technical sheets and digital tools.
Visit the Fire-Retardant Wood Tech Library

See Fire-Resistant
Review tested wall and ceiling assemblies that meet code-required one-hour and two-hour ratings, combining the fire resistance of all materials.
Get assemblies for each retardant

Explore where to
find fire-retardant wood products
There are many WWPI Member manufacturers who can provide the fire retardant wood products you need. Use the Fire Retardant Wood Sources Guide to find those treaters close to your location who offer quality fire retardant wood products.
What’s new
Discover why pressure-treated retardants
offer proven, code-approved protection
There’s no better or more durable protection for wood against fire than pressure treating. The advantages of pressure treating compared to surface coatings are detailed in the FireSpec sheet Fire Retardant Treating vs. Coatings.
The one-page guide explains the benefits of integrating fire retardants through pressure treating into sawn lumber and plywood for protection, noting code requirements where paints, coatings and stains are not approved under the codes for fire protection. The guide provides guidance on identifying approved fire retardant wood, noting that color should not be the only indicator the wood has been pressure treated.
See more on benefits of pressure treating for protection
Get education on fire-retardant wood
in online courses at eUniversity

Learn about fire retardant wood, how it works and how to specify it with web courses on two different platforms offering Continuing Education Units, or CEUs.
The courses are now available on the AEC Daily and Architectural Record’s Continuing Education Center. Both online education services offer contining education to architects, designers, specifiers, contractors and building product distributors.
Links to the courses are available on the Wood That Lasts eUniversity featuring online education on preservative- and fire-retardant-treated wood products. Visitors must complete a free registration on each respective platform to view or download the courses and receive CEUs.